We were at the annual APAC congress on the 17th of February 2017 in Barcelona and presented our Efficacy test results of our VISUAL AID through a study that was conducted in both the UK and Spain.

APAC (Associació de Professors i Professores d’Anglès de Catalunya) is open to all teaching professionals and their main goal is to facilitate the exchange of ideas and information among teaching professionals.

Our  VISUAL AID has striking pictures that have been drawn to help the students increase their recall rate. We tested this theory on over 300 students and in more than 10 schools.


– SPONTANEOUS RECALL: For individual students their recall rate improved up to 3 times when using illustrations.The average improvement was 71% when using illustrations.

– MEANING RECALL: Individual Students recall improved between 25% and 55% using illustrations, average 34%.

We also talked about making specific areas of the English Language enjoyable and more importantly memorable using our highly effective method in order to learn, and retain information.

Working on our method were a group of Native English teachers who have used various ideas to make this book come alive. Each teacher has come from a different teaching background be it experienced education consultants, head masters, and primary and secondary school teachers.